Star Wars Dawn Of Rebellion Pdf Download

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi is an American comic book series set in the Star Wars universe. The series, published by Dark Horse Comics, is written by John Ostrander, pencilled by Jan Duursema, inked by Dan Parsons, and colored by Wes Dzioba. It is set in the earliest days of the Jedi Order, beginning in 36,453 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin).

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Cyphers and Masks

Publication information


Release date



General information


Issue number(s)

Star Wars Dawn Of Rebellion Pdf Download


Cyphers and Masks is a sourcebook for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Age of Rebellionroleplaying game offering new rules, locations, gear, and adventure scenarios for the Spy class. It was released on August 16, 2018.




  • ISBN 9781633443181;[3]August 16, 2018; Fantasy Flight Games; US hardcover[2]

Cover galleryEdit

Front cover background and Chapter III: The Hidden War
Front cover character art
Chapter I: Operating from the Shadows
Back cover art and
Table of contents


This list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it.

Star Wars Dawn Of Rebellion Pdf Download Free

By type
Characters CreaturesDroid modelsEventsLocations
Organizations and titlesSentient speciesVehicles and vesselsWeapons and technologyMiscellanea


  • Kel Dhast(First mentioned)
  • Airen Cracken(Mentioned only)
  • Omzo Ivrevi(First mentioned)
  • Gregor Lojan(First appearance)
  • Magnet(First mentioned)
  • Bazine Netal(Picture only)
  • Kav Poen(First appearance)
  • Trey Trellen(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified high-level Rebel operative(First appearance)
  • Unidentified sector moff(First mentioned)

Droid models

  • Assassin droid
    • E522 assassin droid(First mentioned)
  • Battle droid
    • B-series battle droid(First identified as B-series battle droid)
      • B3 battle droid(First identified as B3 battle droid)
  • Interrogator droid
    • TS-series interrogation droid(First mentioned)
  • Protocol droid
    • 3PO unit(First identified as 3PO-series protocol droid)
  • Messenger droid
    • AS-M12-series droid(First mentioned)
    • M4-series messenger droid(First mentioned)
  • RM-series military intelligence droid(First mentioned)
  • Sentry droid
  • Slicer droid
    • LSx-series slicer droid(First mentioned)
  • Surveillance droid
    • AC1-series surveillance droid(First mentioned)


Star Wars Age Of Rebellion

  • Early rebellion against the Galactic Empire
    • Mission to Reklam Station(First identified as mission to Reklam Station)
    • Rescue on the Imperial Interdictor(Indirect mention only)
    • Second mission to Ryloth(Indirect mention only)
  • Fall of the Republic
    • Clone Wars
      • Mission to Scipio(Indirect mention only)
  • Galactic Civil War
    • Battle of Yavin(Indirect mention only)
    • Escape from Cloud City(Indirect mention only)
    • Operation Night Fire(First mentioned)
    • Secret mission to Tatooine(Indirect mention only)
  • Separatist Crisis(Indirect mention only)
  • Unending Conflict(First mentioned)


  • Core Worlds
  • Expansion Region
  • Inner Rim
    • Li-Toran
      • Dometown(First mentioned)
  • Mid Rim
  • Outer Rim Territories
    • Corporate Sector
      • Iceni(First mentioned)
    • Hutt Space
      • Ku'Bakai system(First mentioned)
        • Kubindi's star(First mentioned)
    • Trivar II(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified depot(First mentioned)

Organizations and titles

  • Agent
    • Sleeper Agent(First mentioned)
  • Alliance to Restore the Republic
    • Duros resistance(First mentioned)
    • Endor strike team(Indirect mention only)
    • Phoenix Cell(as Lothal rebel cell)
    • Trivar II rebel network(First mentioned)
  • Arlen-Dempler Luxury Speeders(First mentioned)
  • Ayelixe/Krongbing(First mentioned)
  • Bantin Corp(First mentioned)
  • BioTech Industries(First mentioned)
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • Cyricept(First mentioned)
  • Fergriss Pharmaceuticals(First mentioned)
  • Galactic Empire
    • Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
    • Imperial Military
      • Imperial Army
        • Imperial Army Intelligence(First mentioned)
      • Imperial Intelligence(First identified as Imperial Military Intelligence)
      • Imperial Navy
        • Convoy 8766(First mentioned)
        • Imperial weapons technician(Picture only)
      • Imperial officer
  • Galactic Republic
    • Republic Military
      • Clone Officer(as Clone commander)
  • Hive Ronin(First mentioned)
  • Ivrevi syndicate(First mentioned)
  • Koensayr Manufacturing(as Koensayr Corporation)
  • Law enforcement agency
  • Loronar Corporation(First mentioned)
  • Master Sergeant(First mentioned)
  • Melitto hive
    • Li-Toran planetary council(First mentioned)
  • Officer
  • Repo specialist(First mentioned)
  • Sienar Intelligence Systems(First mentioned)
  • Soldier-myrmites(First mentioned)
  • Toxico(First mentioned)
  • Vacutech Combine(First mentioned)
  • Xana Exotic Arms(First mentioned)
  • Xerrol Corporationi(First mentioned)

Sentient species

  • Anx(Picture only)
  • Chiss(Picture only)

Star Wars Dawn Of Rebellion Pdf Download Free

Vehicles and vessels

  • Speeder
    • C-B7 Interceptor(First appearance)
  • Starship
    • Star Destroyer
      • Imperial-class Star Destroyer(Picture only)
    • Freighter
      • Light freighter
        • YT-2400 light freighter
          • Stellar Crawler(First mentioned)
    • ICM-092792(as Imperial scrapyard)
    • Scout ship
      • S-461 Medium Scout Ship(First mentioned)
        • Darkflare(First mentioned)
    • Shuttle
      • Lambda-class T-4a shuttle(Picture only)
      • Sentinel-class landing craft(Picture only)
    • Sphyrna-class corvette(Indirect mention only)
    • Starfighter
      • IE-440 Nighthawk multi-role starfighter(First appearance)
      • BTL Y-wing starfighter
      • Q-Signal Messenger Drone(First mentioned)
      • TIE line

Weapons and technology

  • Armor
    • Climbsuit(First mentioned)
    • Mk I NightStalker Infiltration Suit(First mentioned)
    • MK IX Personal Mimetic Concealment Suit(First mentioned)
  • Blaster
    • Blaster pistol
      • CS14 'Ghost' light blaster pistol(First mentioned)
      • DD6(First mentioned)
      • ST-M40 heavy repeating blaster pistol(First mentioned)
    • Blaster rifle
      • Nightstinger blaster rifle(First mentioned)
    • Needler gun(as Needler gun)
  • Bomb
    • Explosives belt(First mentioned)
  • Chronometer(as Wrist chrono)
    • Garrote chrono(First mentioned)
  • Comlink
    • Earbud comlink(First mentioned)
  • Concealed escape kit(First mentioned)
  • Cybernetics
    • Cortex bomb(First appearance)
    • Cyber disguise(First mentioned)
    • Lockbreaker hand(First mentioned)
    • Multi-tool hand(First mentioned)
    • Pain damper(First mentioned)
    • Retinal implant(First mentioned)
    • Vessel implant(First mentioned)
  • Explosive charge
    • Class 3 micro detonite(First appearance)
  • Fingerprint masque(First mentioned)
  • Grenade launcher
    • Vac Attack Mk-127 disc launcher(First mentioned)
  • Hologram
    • Holographic image disguiser(First mentioned)
  • Melee weapon
    • Garrote(First mentioned)
    • MMD-18 molecular dagger(First mentioned)
    • MSW-9 molecular stiletto(First mentioned)
    • Sap gloves(First mentioned)
  • Mem-stik(First mentioned)
  • Missile launcher
    • Model 20 mini-missile pack(First mentioned)
  • Shadowcloak(First mentioned)
  • Signal jammer
    • Vid-vox scrambler(First mentioned)
  • Slicewire(First mentioned)
  • Surveillance scanner(First mentioned)
  • Toxin detector(First mentioned)


  • Crystal
    • Redirection crystal(First mentioned)
  • Ixetal cilona(First mentioned)
  • Language
    • Balosar(First mentioned)
    • Melitto scent-language(First mentioned)
  • Neurotoxin
    • Affide crystal(First mentioned)
  • Plant
    • Mushroom
      • Balo mushroom(First mentioned)
  • Poison
    • Cyanoxis D-570(First mentioned)
    • Truth serum
      • Skirtopanol(First mentioned)
    • Vutalamine(First mentioned)

Notes and referencesEdit

Star Wars Dawn Of Rebellion Pdf Download Pc

  1. and Masks - Announcing the Spies Sourcebook for Age of Rebellion on Fantasy Flight Games' official website
  2. 2.02.1Accept Your Mission on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  3. Cyphers and Masks

External linksEdit

Dawn Of Rebellion Star Wars

  • Cyphers and Masks on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Cyphers and Masks on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Pointed Questions on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • In Plain Sight on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Compromised Perimeter on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Accept Your Mission on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)

Dawn Of Rebellion Sourcebook Pdf

Beta · Beginner Game · Core Rulebook · Game Master's Kit
Adventure modules
Beyond the Rim · The Jewel of Yavin · Mask of the Pirate Queen
Mini adventures
'The Long Arm of the Hutt' · Under a Black Sun
'Crates of Krayts' · 'Escape from Mos Shuuta' · 'Trouble Brewing'
'Debts to Pay' · 'Taming the Dragon'

Enter the Unknown · Suns of Fortune · Dangerous Covenants · Far Horizons
Lords of Nal Hutta · Fly Casual · Special Modifications · No Disintegrations
Beta · Beginner Game · Core Rulebook · Game Master's Kit
Adventure modules
Onslaught at Arda I · Rescue at Glare Peak · Friends Like These
Mini adventures
Operation: Shadowpoint
'Takeover at Whisper Base' · 'Perlemian Haul' · 'Operation: Shell Game' · 'Dead in the Water'
'Claustrophobia' · 'The Geharr Incident' · 'In Too Deep' · 'Phantoms in the Dark'

Stay on Target · Desperate Allies · Strongholds of Resistance · Lead by Example
Forged in Battle · Fully Operational · Cyphers and Masks
Beta · Beginner Game · Core Rulebook · Game Master's Kit
Adventure modules
Chronicles of the Gatekeeper · Ghosts of Dathomir
Bonus adventures
Lure of the Lost
Keeping the Peace · Nexus of Power · Savage Spirits · Endless Vigil
Disciples of Harmony · Unlimited Power · Knights of Fate
Era Sourcebooks
Dawn of Rebellion · Allies and Adversaries · Rise of the Separatists
Collapse of the Republic · Gadgets and Gear
Supplementary products
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Adversary Deck
The Force Awakens Beginner Game