Smash Bros Project M Iso Download


New Stages:
- Every stage uses a PM 3.6 camera
- Widely-accepted PM 3.6 tourney stages have at least five 1-for-1 stage alts
- START will always give you a tournament stage, regardless of stage slot (broadly speaking since tourney legal stages do vary by region and ruleset)
- Z alts are typically semi-competitive alts, not necessarily tourney reskins (but they can be)
- L alts are a wildcard alt, and tend to not be tourney stages (but sometimes are, for example Battlefield and Final Destination)
- Stages should never be too high poly, and should run with performance on par with PM 3.6 stages
New Costumes:
- Use recolors of existing Project M 3.6 costumes for the most part, except with characters like Pikachu and Jigglypuff that have a unique feature to each skin
- Find opportunities to enable a second set of team colors whenever possible (in the case of Ganon/Pig Ganon, a third set)
- Hidden costumes are for-fun and appropriate for casual matches/practice, but not for tournament play
- Costumes should never be too high poly, should run laglessly with four players
New Aesthetics:
- All character cosmetics use consistent poses across all costumes, thanks to the Cosmetic Standardization Project
- All stock icons, battle portraits, character selection portraits, and result screen portraits should be accurate of the in-game costume selected (except for hidden costumes)
- Blue and teal colors are used in menus to be easy on the eyes, and beautiful to look at


Smash Cadet
Super smash bros brawl project m 3.5 iso downloadIso
Jan 4, 2013
Michigan Tech

Super Smash Bros. Download our PM build from BrawlVault. Variants thereof are simply non-profit, free-to-play modifications of Super Smash Bros.

Smash Bros Melee Iso

Hey guys, I know lots of you dabble further into wii hacking than just smash brothers. For those that use USB loaders I have some good news for you. A fellow wii hacker created an amazing Brawl hacks ISO creator! This mean you can now launch your hacks directly from your usb rather than having to use you disk!
Here's the download link, it has all the instructions in the read me.
If you do create a custom build I would love if you we're to upload it. Unfortunately I only own a mac so I am unable to dot his my self but tell me how it works for you guys.